To all of our faithful schools and community teams that have supported the Bridge Builder Grand Prix over the past 12 years we just wanted to say thank you. After our race in 2018 we evaluated if we would be running again in 2019 and unfortunately we will not be running the B.B. G.P. in 2019 for several reason.
- The venue is undergoing a massive new build project and adding 18 courts to their existing building so our car park area would have been severely impacted.
- The Victorian series has decided not to align with our race and will be holding their own events as part of their series.
- We have decided to join hands with the team at Maryborough and are in discussions of what 2020 will look like so stay tuned.
It is always a hard decision to postpone an event as we love seeing you all and love hosting the race but it has to be viable financially and practically for it to benefit all involved.
We look forward to letting you know about future race plans as they unfold but in the meantime happy racing.
-Phil Stenhouse OAM, Bridge Builders CEO