
Over the years we have seen young women become more and more observers of life rather than participants and it was with this in mind that we designed several programs and events for young women to get involved in. These include the UR Retreat, Girls only days, Schools Programs and Mentoring.
We also offer tailor made programs that deal with an issue specific to your school.
[cl-review quote=”Before I came to the camp I never thought that I would get help or never open up to anyone but this camp helped me trust people again. I got to know so many people and became friends with a lot of them. Hearing all the stories helped me know that people are going through the same thing as me. I loved this chance of a life time because I know my life will change because of this. Wish I could go again!” author=”Hannah” occupation=”14 yo Participant” type=”quote” layout=”clean”]


These days can encompass all kinds of activities, forums and sessions on topics such as sex and sexuality, emotional well being, bullying and resilience, drugs and alcohol, suicide as well as age specific days. Bridge Builders can also include activities such as jumping castles, sumo suits, inflatable slides, face painting, balloon sculpting, live bands and more.


Finding Your Wings

Our Term or semester long programs, such as Finding ‘UR’ Wings is based on the concept from our Girls Camp, called the UR Retreat. The notion being that if 4 days can change a young women’s perspective of herself and her place in the world, then how much more confidence and self esteem can a dedicated term long program achieve , delivered on a weekly basis. For the past four years several schools have taken on the program and seen dozens of young girl’s lives changed.
Bridge Builders has designed and delivered dozens of school programs, from fun days to tailored programs that meet a specific need on a school campus.
For more information about any of our programs please contact the Bridge Builders Team and organise a time to meet and discuss your schools and students needs and how we can help.


We can offer your school a camp building opportunity, where our mixed team of youth works and committed young people can plan, book, cater and even facilitate your next camp within your budget.
Bridge Builders has vast experience in planning and running camps throughout Victoria.
These camps and retreats often involve high profile speakers who can challenge, motivate and share with your students about issues that relate to their life, and their future.
We are noticing more and more the need to run these camps for continued personal development of young people, and to help take the pressure off teaching staff throughout the year.